Wajik Kletik Ketan: Resep Mudah & Praktis untuk Hidangan Tradisional yang Lezat

Wajik Kletik Ketan: Resep Mudah & Praktis untuk Hidangan Tradisional yang Lezat

Wajik kletik ketan is a traditional Indonesian dessert made from sticky glutinous rice that has been cooked with coconut milk, sugar, and pandan leaves. The dish is loved for its aromatic scent and chewy texture, and it’s perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth.

Here’s how to make your very own wajik kletik ketan at home:

– 500 grams of glutinous rice
– 500 ml of thick coconut milk
– 250 grams of palm sugar
– 1 teaspoon of salt
– 2 pandan leaves


1. Rinse the glutinous rice in cold water until the water becomes clear.

2. Soak the rice in water for at least an hour before cooking.

3. In a medium-sized pot, bring the coconut milk to a boil over medium heat.

4. Add the palm sugar, salt, and pandan leaves to the pot and stir until everything has dissolved.

5. Add the soaked glutinous rice into the pot and stir together with the coconut milk mixture until everything is well combined.

6. Lower the heat and cook the mixture while stirring occasionally so that it doesn’t burn or stick to the pot.

7. Cook for about 30 minutes or until all of the liquid has been absorbed by the rice and it becomes sticky.

8. Once done, take out from fire then put it on banana leaf that have been smeared oil or other non-stick baking paper then flatten using spoon or something similiar

9. Let it cool before slicing into small pieces or diamonds

And there you have it – delicious homemade wajik kletik ketan!

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